Decorative foam:
In the long history of architecture, designers and craftsmen could spend years, even decades, to make a building stand out. While working in buildings old and new, architects have always looked for new and unique elements to create their building’s legacy. They used sculptures, urns, columns, motifs, appliqués, and more to bring character and life to their buildings. However, decorative elements were mostly part of the structure itself, and were
limited by the availability of resources and the skill set required to create it. But now, decorative foam can make it all happen. With decorative foam, you can create an endless variety of architectural elements. As a foam designer, we can replicate your most beloved architectural motifs for your project or even create something brand new that you
designed. The light weight nature of decorative foam brings your dreams and imagination to life. From medallions around the chandelier indoors to quatrefoil with insert tiles outdoors, it is all possible, though challenging. Decorative foam is still young, and has a great future ahead for interior and exterior design.